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kaye's got new tires

I recently changed my Michelin Country Trail tires (26 x 1.95) to a much wider and more stable one. I had been having problems with its grip on mud and wet stones, especially on the downhill sections. Grip on pavement, wet or dry, is pretty OK but our trail mostly consist of rough terrain.

The replacement was Maxxis' Mobster (26 x 2.35). It was a matter of whats readily available in the local bike scene. I had my eyes on other Michelin tires but they were just not available.

It was a huge jump in terms of the width of the tire (from 1.95 to 2.35). My grip and braking stability on various surface was greatly increased. I was able to take slippery downhill sections with much confidence.

However I paid a great price with the rolling resistance. The increase was quite noticeable. But since my bike is not really a road bike, the rolling resistance is just a small inconvenience.

Overall, Maxxis' Mobster lets you enjoy (and pound) your favorite outdoor trail.
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1 comment:

  1. more traction so more drag but better grip on the road. good trade off considering all your injuries resulted from downhill accidents I think. Nice tires!


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